Make Better, Faster Decisions

Imagine it. Your team has the skills and techniques they need to make the best decision. Fast. Smart. Efficient.

It’s not impossible. In fact, it’s simple once they know how. That’s where Dr. Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats® come in. This systematic method of thinking in a completely new and different way will provide your employees with skills and tools that they can apply immediately! See results in days, not months.

It is a simple, effective technique that helps them become more productive. You and your team members can learn how to separate thinking into six distinct categories. Each category is identified with its own colored metaphorical “thinking hat.” By mentally wearing and switching hats, you can easily focus or redirect thoughts, the conversation, or the meeting. The difference between brilliant and mediocre teams isn’t so much in their collective mental capacity, but in how well they can tap into their collective wisdom and how they can function together.

After your team learns the skills behind The Six Thinking Hats® system they will:

  • Hold critical meetings without any egos that would otherwise lead to bad decision making.
  • Avoid the easy but mediocre decisions by knowing how to dig deeper.
  • Increase productivity and even more importantly – be more effective.
  • Make creative solutions the norm.
  • Maximize and organize each person’s thoughts and ideas.
  • Get to the right solution quickly along with a shared vision.

The White Hat

The White Hat calls for information that is known or needed.

The Red Hat

The Red hat signifies feeling, hunches, and intuition.

The Black Hat

The Black hat is judgment – the devil’s advocate or why something may not work.

The Yellow Hat

The Yellow hat symbolizes brightness and optimism.

The Green Hat

The Green hat focuses on creativity: the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas.

The Blue Hat

The Blue hat is used to Manage the Thinking process.